SuperFly (review)

SuperFly (review)

SuperFly (review)

I remember reviewing the original 1972 version, which was a bit hit with a great soundtrack. A lot of the same elements from the original are back. The central character (Trevor Jackson) is a “good” drug dealer: He has integrity and is good to his crew. The plot centers around his effort to make one last score that’ll get him out of the game. Meanwhile, there’s plenty of cocaine, backstabbing, booty shaking, cool rides, rap music and gunplay…none of it especially original. The only notable innovation is that he has 2 girlfriends and they have a steamy (literally) 3-way in the shower. Otherwise, it’s a predictable, bombastic gangsta flick without any directorial innovation or anything new added to the pedigree. And they don’t even take advantage of the great songs from the original (all of “Pusher Man’ plays, but no “Freddie’s Dead” and only a quick nod to the original title song).


2 out of 5 stars (2 / 5)


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