THE PLAY: Five women, who were on the college swim team together, meet in the Outer Banks every summer. The show starts when they’re 44 and finishes up when they’re 77.
THE PRODUCTION: The fact that a writer for “The Golden Girls” is behind this play makes it feel like a TV sitcom. That means you need actors who know how to land a punch line and this quintet nails every one (much to the audience’s delight). They all create enjoyable characters with Jennifer Frank’s dry delivery proving especially funny. When the lights came up on Tom Width’s charming beach cottage set, I heard audience members relating to it’s verisimilitude. The shiny wigs and too subtle aging didn’t detract from the enjoyment of the plentiful one-liners. The whole show is a surefire audience pleaser, simply crammed with laughs.
THE POINT: These 5 talented women create a surefire audience pleaser that’s crammed with laughs.

At Swift Creek Mill Theatre thru 8/2