THE PLAY: A black girl group rises to fame in the ’60s, but Effie, the original lead singer, causes conflict with her headstrong pride.
THE PRODUCTION: Effie is a role that was made for Desiree Roots: Her powerhouse voice shines in every solo. Daring to take her spotlight is D. Jerome Wells, who’s Jimmy is a kinetic wonder: singing with dynamic soul, dazzling dance moves and comic chops to boot! The entire ensemble boasts vigorous voices, although some of the sung dialogue gets overpowered by John Winn’s orchestra, which packs a wallop. Director Chase Kniffen has fashioned a glossy, slick production that barrels out to the gate on the first song and never lets up steam during Act One. The second act features more dramatic encounters and even though everyone sang with passion, it could have used more emotional intensity. The geometric panels (sometimes a bit wobbly) and the non-stop flashy light show create a dazzling blend of Ron Keller’s versatile set and Joe Doran’s lights. Continuing the visual blitz are Sarah Grady’s beautifully snazzy, glamorous costumes.
THE POINT: Visual dazzle and vocal power make this a super-slick production that’s sure to electrify and entertain.

At Virginia Rep’s November Theatre thru 8/7