THE PLAY: This 1974 classic is about an adolescent who has a religious fascination with horses and the psychiatrist who, while attempting to fathom the boy’s crime, questions his own sense of purpose.
THE PRODUCTION: Even though the play pivots around the boy (Jacob Pennington), the show is dominated by the doctor (David Bridgewater). Bridgewater unquestionably commands the power to lead the show, even though his declamatory style undermines the character’s humanity. Pennington is effectively closed off, but falls short of the emotional intensity in the climatic scenes. The rest of the cast supports well (Larry Cook adds humor and humanity and Charlie Raintree manages to capture warmth thru his horse head). Although director Anna Johnson has staged the show with a confident fluidity, the production’s sense of dramatic import drags down the pacing. In addition, both acts begin with symbolic dance numbers that add little to the show, except length. Rich Mason’s striking set, a large white enclosure with elements of a stable, allows for flexibility, video projections and Michael Jarrett’s evocative lighting.
THE POINT: While the production is solid, its somber dramatic weight overrides the emotional power of the show.

A Cadence Theatre production in partnership with Virginia Rep at the Theatre Gym thru 11/28. (Contains full nudity)
Click here to watch the SIFTER preview about the show’s choreography.