THE PLAY: A lively look at the career frustrations and office politics at a publishing firm turns dark after a turning-point event.
THE PRODUCTION: The actors are given a chance to grow their characters and change their moods with each act, which they handle with skill. While the entire cast is excellent, Anne Michelle Forbes’ caffeinated millennial motormouth and Happy Mahaney’s idiosyncratic physicality add some manic moments. The play loses some of its impact after intermission by using the dialogue to draw conclusions and make social commentary. Still, it remains involving. As is one of her strengths, Anna Senechal Johnson’s quiet direction focuses on helping her ensemble create compelling characters, while keeping the staging simple (although I’m not sure how well the front row could see the actors behind their computers). Her handling of the first act climax was masterful. Rich Mason has crafted another impressive triple-duty set echoing a modern warehouse space with exposed wood and brick, plus translucent panels. Running time: 2 hours
THE POINT: This production’s creation of compelling characters and involving situations make this an interesting examination of the effects of trauma in the workplace.

A co-production of Cadence Theatre and Virginia Rep at the Theatre Gym thru 6/2