THE PLAY: A couple has lost their young son and months later, the family is still coping.
THE PRODUCTION: Grieving parents is a fairly common narrative and can easily deteriorate into melodrama if not handled correctly. Fortunately, this production has its hands on all the right buttons. Since this is a WASP-type family, the emotions are never histrionic, but controlled and minimized. This excellent ensemble handles the dark moments with quiet depth and complex sensitivity (Duke Lafoon movingly provides the emotional core). As is her strength, Anna Johnson’s directorial hand is subtle, allowing her actors to create their best work while maintaining a solid vision. The design team has created a simply gorgeous two-story set (bigger than some Fan apartments). Running time: 1:55
THE POINT: The ensemble is exquisite, underplaying the complexity of emotions, which makes the drama and the production more masterful.

A Cadence Theatre production in partnership with Virginia Rep at the Theatre Gym thru 5/20