THE PLAY: A black working-class family eagerly awaits the arrival of a big insurance check. Deciding how to spend the money explores their dreams.
THE PRODUCTION: Classics are considered classics for a reason (or raisin) and this remains an enthralling drama with compelling characters and powerful messages. Luckily, this production elevates the play with a uniformly superior cast. Trezana Beverley perfectly captures her character’s matriarchal strength and stern demeanor. The climactic scene in Act 2 is one the most powerful moments in recent theatre. Jerold E. Solomon’s misguided son is dominant, yet touching, while Katrinah Carol Lewis plays his wife with controlled intensity. As the sister searching for her identity, Jasmine Coles turns in a charismatic performance. The direction by Tawnya Pettiford-Wates has a natural style, that’s paced well, while allowing for quieter moments. There’s also a generous measure of comedy. Katherine Field’s “rat trap” artistically references their environment, but could have used a few shabby touches (and flats a bit less wobbly). Lynne Hartman sets the mood with expressive lighting and Emily Tappan’s costumes were appropriate and attractive. Running time: 2:45
THE POINT: This superb production beautifully demonstrates why this play remains a classic.

At Virgina Rep’s November Theatre thru 3/11