THE PLAY: This spoof of Hitchcock’s classic thriller is about a man, falsely accused of murder, who escapes across England to stop a spy ring.
THE PRODUCTION: With the exception of Alec Beard, who makes an assured, refined protagonist, the other actors play numerous roles. Irene Kuykendall is elegant and stylish as the prominent women. Audra Honaker and Paul S. Major fill out the cast with a zany variety of crazy characters and a panoply of accents. Some of their hi-jinks are amusing, while others are more energetic than funny. Director Nathaniel Shaw has staged the show with nimble skill, taking full advantage of the theatrical tropes and cinematic flourishes that add a layer of spoof. Usually the second act of a thriller/comedy ramps up the pace, but this one slows the comic and narrative momentum. All of the technical elements contribute well to the experience. Running time: 1:55
THE POINT: With so much energy on stage, it’s hard not to be entertained, even when this production doesn’t always crackle.

A Virgina Rep production at Hanover Tavern thru 3/29