THE PLAY: The pastor of a megachurch delivers a controversial sermon that causes conflicts of faith and dissension.
THE PRODUCTION: Upon entering the theatre, you’re transported to a traditional evangelical service with a rousing 6-piece band and even a “bulletin” in the program. After songs and prayer, the pastor (Bostin Christopher) delivers a 20-minute sermon that sparks discord. Although much of the dialogue is delivered in the sanctuary setting, there are several personal scenes. The cast still uses the hand-held microphones (which I’m assuming was dictated by the script), but that conceit dilutes the effectiveness of these more intimate interactions. Director Rusty Wilson has kept the staging minimal, so this “debate” relies on the performances. Christopher perfectly nails the reassuring delivery of a church leader. The remainder of the cast also turns in genuine, effective performances. Still, the “reverent” approach and even-keel pacing bog down every conversation (all of which go on too long). The design team, headed by Rich Mason, has perfectly created a mini version of a megachurch with a stepped stage, stained glass windows and 2 giant video screens. Running time: 1:35
THE POINT: Everything about this beautifully-mounted production was right, but the overwritten, somber script dilutes the power of the experience.

A Virginia Rep Cadence Theatre Company co-production at the Theatre Gym thru 3/4