THE PLAY: When a woman decides to convert an old church into a day spa, a quartet of her life-long friends joins to help realize her dream.
THE PRODUCTION: The writing trio behind the Mill’s popular and well-done “The Dixie Swim Club” also wrote this show, which once again displays their skill at sitcom structure…this time in a more broad style. The perky group ably captures the rhythms and every punch line is delivered with a sledgehammer. None of this accomplished cast is doing anything unique or original, but Joy Williams gets the delightful job of parading thru the proceedings in a variety of wacky holiday getups (the rest of Maura Lynch Cravey’s costumes are also colorful and attractive). Mike White’s vigorous attempts at jollity are forced. Director Tom Width keeps his cast moving and makes the most of the obvious physical gags. The set, which he also designed, provides a serviceable background.
THE POINT: This is sledgehammer comedy: Every line is delivered in a broad style that will appeal to audiences who like their humor like a TV sitcom style.

At Swift Creek Mill Theatre thru 7/23