Director Paul Feig made his first splash with Bridesmaids and has gone on to establish his rep for comedy. He’s put his name as Executive Producer on 2 new shows. Minx for HBOMax and Welcome to Flatch on Fox/Hulu (and he directed the first 3 episodes).
Minx Would you be interested in reading a magazine called “The Matriarchy Awakens”? Pretty much nobody in 70s LA was either, until the determined writer (Ophelia Lovibond) meets the publisher of soft core porn magazines (Jake Johnson). Thus begins the clash between her feminist messaging and his efforts to make money by featuring male nudes (and this being HBO there’s lots of full frontal men). Their venture gets new cred with the publication of the famous Cosmopolitan Magazine featuring Burt Reynolds in a nude centerfold (which I still have a copy of). Instead of outright punch lines, this series goes more for unusual circumstances, while another comedy option, the addition of quirky characters is slim. It should be entertaining to watch the clash of cultures and period attitudes as they reflect the growth of the magazine. (Review based on the first 2 of ten 30-minute episodes, which are aired weekly.)
(3.5 / 5)
HBOMax link
Welcome to Flatch Yet another mockumentary. This time the crew goes to a small Midwest town, where they follow several of the more unusual residents, esp. Kelly (Holmes) & Shrub (Sam Straley). A show like this depends on quirky characters to make it work and this duo anchors the cast effectively. His comic timing is sly, while she goes over the top. Add in stalwarts like Seann William Scott (best known as Stifler in American Pie) and Aya Cash (the girlfriend in You’re The Worst) who bring additional comic fun. Some moments are hilarious, while others try too hard. Either way, there’s sufficient absurdity in the writing and performances to make it an appealing little romp. (Review based on the first 5 of seven 30-minute episodes)
(3.5 / 5)
Fox TV
Hulu link