High (Review)
Addiction and faith propel this play
Addiction and faith propel this play
This drama fails to erupt
3 real, 3 imaginary and a baby on the way
Meet the animator whose entry is in this year’s festival
Accomplished national director stages his first show here
Cauliflower’s new popularity and a recipe
A recent show and an upcoming release
A new show by Julia E. Pfaff
The dark side of love in The City of Light
An excellent ensemble in an exemplary production
An 80’s classic reworked for the 21st century
There’s plenty to play with
A former Molly Hatchet member’s local band
See a show being juried or see dance in media
Not much fun like the trailer
An delightful staging of Moliére’s classic
A potentially powerful confrontation falls short
An art film, literally
Fellini for the 21st century
Northside’s weekly party with a live band
This raucous look at wresting is a knockout
Thought-provoking drama gets a compelling production
A chick flick with guys