This true story is about the titular British artist (played by Benedict Cumberbatch), who was eccentric, neurotic and wildly talented. He became famous with his “humanized” paintings of cats in the 1800s, but he also went thru a number of endeavors, struggling to help the 5 women in his family avoid poverty, while falling in love with their governess (Claire Foy). The first 30 minutes of this film are delightful, quirky fun, but as the story progresses it turns from sweet to rather dark. Throughout, Cumberbatch creates a wonderfully peculiar character who’s funny, sweet and ultimately charming. Visually, there are picturesque moments that sometimes reflect the artist’s work. Will Sharpe’s direction amiably captures the beauty and bleakness of the narrative, but can’t manage to keep the final third from losing some of the charm momentum. Still, there’s a unique approach to this film that make it enjoyable, esp. Cumberbatch’s performance. (4 / 5)