American Born Chinese

American Born Chinese

American Born Chinese

Actor Ben Wang plays Jin Wang, an average high school student trying to make friends and get on the soccer team. When he’s assigned to guide an exchange student from China (Jimmy Liu), turns out that he’s actually from a mythological kingdom ruled by the Monkey King. Thus begins a cross between a teen comedy and a fantasy adventure. The human parts are enjoyable, thanks primarily to the upbeat pacing and Wang’s cute, slightly-comic charm. The opening scene features a spectacular SFX chase, but the subsequent action scenes are fast-paced, but not remotely as imaginative or impressive. This is a Disney product, so expect the whole thing to have a brightness and innocence. It’s a sweet look at teen challenges and cultural identity with a side of imagination that adds to the plot, but not to the fun. 3 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

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