Full Circle

An exotic woman prepares a ceremony to revive the dead. A group of immigrants sets up a kidnapping that goes awry. A famed chef faces a murky past. These 3 plots eventually intermingle, but this story takes too long too develop and does so with much confusion. The cast includes Zazie Beetz, Claire Danes, Timothy Olyphant and Dennis Quaid, who all do commendable jobs. Although writer Ed Solomon penned Soderberg’s last film (my review), most of his work has been in comedies. Here he’s overwhelmed by the labyrinth plot that’s more confusing than compelling. Director Steven Soderbergh’s direction is assured, but the tedious pace and complex intrigue don’t start to make sense til later and by then, interest in the characters and their plights has waned. 1.5 out of 5 stars (1.5 / 5)

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