
The movie states right up front that this is a fictional story inspired by the life of Céline Dion. Valérie Lemercier co-wrote, directed and stars as the singer. She portrays her from childhood in Quebec (thanks to weird digital adjustments) to superstardom in Vegas and beyond. This includes some of her most famous songs, performed by Victoria Sio. I’ve never been a big Dion fan, so I can’t speak to the veracity of the bio, but it covers the highlights that I was familiar with, including her controversial marriage to her much older manager and the Oscar performance for the hit from Titanic. Lemercier is able enough, but the whole story feels like a Wikipedia account without much emotional depth, even with her struggles. It’s not clear whether the singer’s fans will abhor or appreciate this film and since it’s not an authorized biography, any other viewers may not even care. As such, it’s more a curiosity as a vanity project for Lemercier, not Dion. (Some French with subtitles) 2 out of 5 stars (2 / 5)

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