THE PLAY: The creator appears in the guise of a local actor to issue a new set of commandments that often refute many current religious convictions.
THE PRODUCTION: Even thought there are 2 women who play angels and have small sets of lines (Kylie M.J. Clark & Anne Michelle Forbes), this is basically a one-woman show that casts Maggie Bavolack in the titular role. She’s an established local actor with a solid rep for comic abilities. In this case, she’s comfortable with her audience and has an off-hand delivery that usually lands. Keep in mind, that many of her comments will teeter on sacrilege to anyone with hardline religious views. As for the jokes, some are clever, while others fall on the sophomoric spectrum (playwright David Javerbaum was a Head Writer on “The Daily Show with John Stewart.”). Director Jan Guarino has kept the staging simple, to allow Bavolack’s free reign. Although the audience seemed to find a lot of it funny, I had a harder time detecting much smart amusement. The set by Chris Raintree is downright cheesy in design and, even more, in execution, while Shelia Russ has created God’s robe that’s literally slipshod. Running time: 1:10 (no intermission)
THE POINT: While some may find this hilarious and others sinful, it provides a mildly outrageous look at some of the focal points of religious beliefs.

At Richmond Triangle Players thru 3/23