THE PRODUCTION: In almost every rom-com there’s a montage of unfortunate dates. This is an extended version of that, but sadly, this version isn’t especially interesting and certainly not as funny as hoped. Maggie Bavolack is undeniably competent with comedy, but she had little to work with here. Even so, she’s comfy having a casual conversation with the audience (with pretty much the same delivery she had in An Act of God). After a mildly entertaining first act, we finally get glimpses of vulnerability in Act 2. This gives Bavolack a chance to bring some touching emotion into the mix. Director Melissa Rayford effectively moves her around the stage, keeping her occupied with dressing, makeup and other date prep. Ruth Hedberg supplies some attractive dresses and fun shoes, but the wardrobe business is sometimes distracting. Running time: 1:30 (with intermission)
THE POINT: The titular events are recounted with chatty ease by Maggie Bavolack, but it only gets compelling in Act 2.

Part of the Women’s Theatre Festival sponsored by 5th Wall Theatre and TheatreLAB at The Basement thru 4/17