THE PLAY: The play runs on double tracks: July Garland performs songs from her landmark concert at Carnegie Hall, while the “memory” Judy recounts short flashbacks from her troubled life: her insecurities, the substance abuse and her need for love.
THE PRODUCTION: Grey Garrett has the vocal chops and mannerisms to create Garland on the stage, but is short on the emotional intensity that made the singer special. This may partially be because every song (except one) is broken up by a minimum of 2 quick biographical sketches. Meanwhile, high school senior Grace Mincks (in the “memory” role) handles Garland’s emotions nicely and is a vocal powerhouse with thrilling potential. The supporting actors all do well. Unfortunately, the rudimentary writing and split songs keep the show from developing any real dramatic power. Director Tom Width contributes his dependable vigorous pacing and a serviceable set. The lighting was effective, although many of the cues seemed sluggish.
THE POINT: The 2 women playing Judy are strong vocally, but the choppy double track keeps the show from developing dramatic power.

At Swift Creek Mill Playhouse thru 6/9.