THE PLAY: Two women (and an adult son who may have Asperger’s) live near a New England college, where Body Awareness Week is taking place. A visiting photographer (who exhibits photos of nude women) causes discourse and concern.
THE PRODUCTION: The program lists the show as a comedy, but I didn’t laff once. While there’s an upbeat energy, the message behind the title dominates the dialogue. The show is well put together by director Carol Piersol, but the potential emotional connections get sidetracked by the didactic writing. The quartet of actors does a fine job. They’re all comfortable in their characters, but nothing about their performances stands out. The pacing never lags, but the conflicts never builds momentum. The 3-part set by David Allan Ballas faithfully represents the appropriate rooms, but moving the kitchen area to the middle (where most of the action takes place) would have centralized more of the action. The lighting by K. Jenna Ferree is sometimes murky.
THE POINT: While the cast does a commendable job, the play is too focused on message to develop into an engaging drama.

A co-production of Richmond Triangle Players and 5th Wall Theatre thru 5/14
Be sure to enjoy the themed photos by Hayes & Fisk Photography in the lobby & theatre.