THE PLAY: A lothario in ’60s Paris juggles his affairs with 3 different airline stewardesses.
THE PRODUCTION: Even though the curtain call confusingly put Brent Deekens in a supporting role, his distractingly over-the-top performance must be addressed first. He’s created a character who’s neurotic, effusive and swishy with no charm or sincerity: just unbridled ham. As the unsuspecting visitor, Travis Williams brings more comic control with his befuddled reactions. The stewardesses fared better, although much of their personalities were in their accents (the New Yorker would have benefited from one). Sara Sommers adds dry delivery to her maid’s cynical comments. Much of the credit for the leaden, laughter-deprived effect of the show goes to recent CNU grad Glenn Abernathy. He’s over-directed every aspect (and allowed Deekens his excess). Pat Walker’s large white room had 7 doors with a primary color accents. Designer Chris Stepp includes side lights that cast unnecessary shadows on the actors. Running time: 2:50
THE POINT: An effective farce requires restrained, skilled comic ability. This production has neither.

At CAT thru 9/22