This latest adaptation of Huxley’s novel takes place primarily in New London, where the people are happily drugged, and monogamy and privacy are illegal. Of course, several of the characters find love after they bring back a “savage” from a distant land (played by Alden Ehrenreich). Instead of integrating into their strict society, he expectedly sews discontent. The designers of this series create a dazzling world of impressive structures, high tech gimmicks and very cool costumes (one of the show’s greatest assets). Ehrenreich continues to solidify his place as one of the best new leading men with his brooding, square-jawed charisma. The rest of the cast is fine too with the only humor provided by a delightfully perplexed Gamma (Matthew Aubrey) and it’s a nice surprise to see Demi Moore. While the series starts well, the final few episodes dilute the narrative and slow the pace to allow for more human interaction. Still, it’s well-mounted, visually appealing and enjoyable. (9 one-hour episodes)