THE PLAY: An adaptation of the Aldous Huxley novel about a society that’s manufactured and controlled until the inevitable individual questions his humanity.
THE PRODUCTION: I’m not sure this book works as a play. It certainly doesn’t in this production. After an opening that’s burdened by massive amounts of confusing exposition, the action takes place with stilted pacing and little imagination. Director Maggie Roop could have gone further to make the approach more stylized or amped the personal interactions for a more intimate connection. Despite the competent cast, there’s little about this production that’s compelling (and most of the action occurs on stage right for no obvious reason). At first glance, Mary Sader’s set is an interesting, angular concrete structure in the brutalist style, but it doesn’t allow much flexibility in representing the environments. Maja E. White’s lighting looks fine. Instead of rethinking the clothing, Xiaolin Lan just added a few shiny touches and some embarrassingly clunky giant shoulder pads to contemporary garments. Why is there a line “too big for his tunic” when nobody is wearing one?
Running time: 2:15
THE POINT: This “world” could have benefited from a braver approach to make the future more frightening. Instead, it’s a merely misguided muddle.

A Quill Theatre production at the Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen thru 2/17