THE PLAY: This is the final entry in Neil Simon’s semi-autobiographical trilogy about an aspiring playwright and his family.
THE PRODUCTION: Theatregoers expecting Simon’s traditional punch-line comedy will find this more of a drama, sprinkled with a few zingers. Reprising their roles from Brighton Beach Memoirs (my review), Tyler Stevens (the author’s surrogate) and Jill Bari Steinberg (his mother) are the heart of the play. He creates a sweetly charming character and lands every line with comic ease, while she handles the more delicate job of the long-suffering matriarch. Their scene in the second act is the show’s sweetest moment, but like the married-couple encounter in Act One, these unexpectedly serious encounters slow the show’s momentum. The rest of the cast is commendable. Director Steve Perigard keeps the show grounded in warmth and humor, while treading lightly in the more serious scenes. The multi-level set and period costumes are a reprise from Brighton and still add nicely to the nostalgia. One historical note: In the 40s people didn’t yet cough into their elbows. Running time: 2:40
THE POINT: While there are winning comic moments, the more dramatic scenes make this more of an affecting family drama than a typical Neil Simon comedy.

A Virginia Rep production at Hanover Tavern thru 4/28