Call Waiting

Caroline Aaron, who’s best known as Shirley Maisel on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, first performed this as a one-woman show in Los Angeles. She played a woman suffering from a bladder infection who spends her days rolling calls on her phone. This movie added an additional element that portrays the actor playing the character, a rather self-centered diva. The scenes alternate between the 2 women/scenarios with Aaron gamely handling the changes and challenges. She calls upon her considerable comic talent to mine the funny, while still making the most of the drama adding depth. This 2004 production was actually shot on video and has a low-budget feel. Even so, fans of Aaron will enjoy her superb performances in this unusual character study. 3.5 out of 5 stars (3.5 / 5)
Amazon Prime Video link (rental)

Here are links to my 2-part interview with Aaron, she discusses this movie, Mrs. Maisel, and much more.
Part 1
Part 2