THE PLAY: A witty poet with an extensive nose helps another man woo the woman he loves.
THE PRODUCTION: This traditional classic is a lovely mix of romance, tragedy and comedy (with moments of levity provided by Dean Knight, Jeff Clevenger and Debra Wagoner). Despite a few stumbles on opening nite, Matt Bloch appropriately commands the proceedings with his creation of Cyrano. He brings assured wit and touching tenderness to the character. The remainder of the cast holds up their roles well, with David Janosik proving especially funny in his encounter with Roxanne (Rachael Rose Gilmour, who makes a lovely heroine). Director John Moon has adeptly staged the proceedings, allowing the dramatic moments to breathe (the final scenes are touching). Frank Foster’s relatively simple set establishes an attractive formal background for the action with Joe Doran’s lights providing color washes to delineate each locale. Maura Lynch Cravey beautifully applied her design skills to assemble an array of period costumes with rich fabrics and detailed appointments. Running time: 2:20
THE POINT: It’s always gratifying when a theatre succeeds in reviving a timeless play. Featuring a fine Matt Bloch in the title role, this production demonstrates the power of a great story well told.

At Swift Creek Mill Theatre thru 3/2