THE PLAY: A mystery playwright hasn’t had a hit in years. When a young student sends him a promising new script, he considers making it his own.
THE PRODUCTION: This play was written in the late 70s, so it’s lengthy dialogue moves slower than current short-attention-span shows. However, it still holds up with clever plotting and genuine scares. It’s made even more effective with this excellent cast. Richard Travis (who originally played the role in the Mill’s first production in the ’80s) is quietly masterful as the desperate writer. Caleb Wade is the best he’s ever been, rising to the role of the younger writer with an assured, nuanced performance. Brooke Ewell manages the hysterics with aplomb and Jennifer Frank adds the right amount of comedy. To keep the audience involved, it’s important to be invested in these characters and director Tom Width has guided his cast into creating wonderfully-realized performances. He’s also staged the surprises to perfection. The set he designed, like the script says, is a handsomely converted stable. Maura Lynch Cravey’s costumes managed to subtly capture the period without looking silly. Running time: 2:40
THE POINT: With this excellent cast and Tom Width’s strong direction, this classic mystery still delivers shocks and surprises.

At Swift Creek Mill Theatre thru 2/25