THE PLAY: This inspired reworking of the classic revolves around the author himself, who recounts the story while taking the lead role. The trio of supporting actors play numerous characters.
THE PRODUCTION: Creativity is the first word that leaps to mind: writer Bo Wilson’s ingenious, witty approach and director Gary Hopper’s clever staging combine to create a wonderfully theatrical perspective. Andrew Hamm moves seamlessly between his two central roles, Rebecca Anne Muhleman’s smile lights up the stage, Jeff Clevenger’s equally funny and touching talent has been missing too long from local theatre and Joe Pabst epitomizes the role of character actor, as he delights with his every appearance. Tennessee Dixon’s animated projections are visually enchanting, although they occasionally distracted from the action. Michael Jarett’s lights are often dramatic, but their side placement sometimes left shadows on the performers. Elizabeth Weiss Hopper’s costumes are attractive and Joey Luck’s sound design added immensely to the show’s effect (although a bit more music might have enriched the emotion).
THE POINT: Good things can come in small packages and this concentrated Christmas cheer focuses on the theatrical joy of creativity.

A production of Henley Street Theatre & Richmond Shakespeare at VCU’s Grace Street Theatre thru 12/21