Both of these shows revolve around a serial killer and a medical pro. In the series, a psychotherapist and patient enter into deep conversations, while the movie features 2 nurses, one of whom is the killer.
The Patient Steve Carell plays psychotherapist to a serial killer (Domhnall Gleeson), who kidnaps him to continue their therapy. The majority of the interaction takes place in the basement, where they discuss his impulses and how to control them. Underlying this is a shrink’s subplot about his recently deceased wife and his son’s estrangement. Both actors are outstanding, creating characters with doubts and depth. There are moments that drag and some of the side trips slow things down, but the core interaction is compelling. (Ten 30-minute episodes) (3.5 / 5)
Hulu link
The Good Nurse Jessica Chastain is a nurse who befriends the withdrawn new nurse (Eddie Redmayne). When patients start dying without any explanation, the investigation begins. These 2 characters and their relationship forms the core, but there’s also a procedural angle with frustrated cops trying to track down the killer only to be frustrated by the hospital’s refusal to help. Both of the actors do fine with Redmayne proving both nuanced and enthralling. Despite the outrageous crimes, this film lacks much power. The story isn’t new, so it’s up to the storytellers to bring something fresh. Sadly, it’s a relatively bland drama. Ironically, both of the actors are natural redheads, but changed their color for this.
(2.5 / 5)
Netflix link