THE PLAY: This is based on actual events: The producer of “Gone with the Wind” isn’t happy with the script, so he enlists a writer, the director and his harried secretary to rework it in 7 days.
THE PRODUCTION: This production launches with a furious frenzy of energy and doesn’t let up until Act Two, when the script itself loses momentum. Amy Berlin has directed the farce with appropriately animated staging, but the cast doesn’t always follow thru with the comic aplomb to carry it off. As Selznick, Matt Hackman maintains a Red Bull level of energy, but never manages to make it comical. Tara Callahan’s spunky secretary does spark a few laughs. Lin Heath has designed an attractive deco office, but some of Charlotte’s Scharff’s costumes don’t match the period (esp. Selnick’s skinny pants).
THE POINT: The cast and staging is frantic, but the result is not fittingly funny.

At CAT Theatre thru 6/4