THE PLAY: This is an adaptation of the Bram Stoker tale about the titular vampire.
THE PRODUCTION: The first time I saw the original film (on which this play is based) it was slow and atmospheric, but not scary. Unfortunately, this stage version didn’t manage to rise above the script’s stale approach. Director Daniel Moore has sustained the somber pace, but with no tension or suspense. The actors perform with intensity, but only Melissa Johnston Price (with a delicious accent) manages to capture the stage. Dracula shows up surprisingly little, so it’s important for him to create a creepy, commanding presence. Axle Burtness doesn’t. The human-based “effects,” dramatic (yet predictable) lighting by Skyler Broughman and constant presence of haze have minimal chilling consequence. Jessica Smith’s set features interesting elements of decay and multi-levels (going down, not up), but the floating doors (and people sitting behind them) don’t make sense. Anna Bialkowski’s periodish costumes work wellish. (Running time: 2:20)
THE POINT: This somber take of the famous bloodsucker is anemic.

A Quill Theatre production at the Libby S. Gottwald Playhouse thru 10/8