
The Madrigals are a family that lives in a magical house in Colombia. Every member has a unique gift, except Mirabel (voiced by Stephanie Beatriz). This sweet, plucky protagonist sets out to discover her talent and save the family. This 60th animated film from Disney has many of the studio’s hallmarks: a lively pace, vibrant visuals and fun supporting characters (the enchanted casa is one of the coolest features). Add to this several cheerful songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Interestingly, one song is sung in Spanish with no subtitles or translation. Of course, there’s a message about familial love and individual empowerment, but the spirited approach helps make this family film full of heart and joy. The short that precedes the feature is about an overeager raccoon and his mother, a somewhat atypical subject. 3.5 out of 5 stars (3.5 / 5)

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