Having seen every episode of the HBO series, I was ready for a bigger, more decadent version on the big screen. As it turns out, it’s pretty much more of the same…only less. Movie star Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier) decides to direct his first movie, while the titular trio has new developments of their own and still hot-headed Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) is now a studio head. Identifying the multitude of cameos (from Warren Buffet to Liam Neeson to Richmond’s own Russell Wilson) becomes the movie’s most fun entertainment. Toss in some lavish locales, scantily-clad babes and the most gorgeous Cadillac ever. There’s about a TV episode’s worth of jaunty dialogue, which leaves another hour with uninteresting relationships and mediocre subplots. Fans of the show will enjoy the nostalgia, but anyone expecting anything new or fresh will be let down. NOTE: Stay after the initial credits for Lloyd’s big gay wedding.