THE PLAY: Four people speculate about one wall in the living room that’s completely blank: no furniture, paintings, nothing. There’s an added “dimension” with continual references to stage conventions.
THE PRODUCTION: Most of the this play’s humor comes from the theatrical traditions that are skewered. It’s a witty conceit that this quartet handles with assurance. As a bonus, they have good singing voices, which comes in handy for the Cole Porter tunes that are dropped in for an absurd flourish. In one traditional theatre pitfall, the exposition gets the play off to a slow start that’s somewhat remedied by the time we get to the delightful ending (accentuated by Andrew Bonniwell’s lights). The rants on consumerism and politics (esp. G. W. Bush rants) add meaning, but little humor. Director Kerrigan Sullivan could have snapped up the pacing to achieve that clipped, arch style of a sophisticated drawing room comedy. The other 3 walls (designed by Edwin Slipek) make a large, lovely traditional room, although a lower teaser would have hidden the lights and completed the illusion.
THE POINT: More clever than comic, informed audiences will appreciate the knowing theatrical illusions in this adequately-staged production.

At Firehouse Theatre thru 1/31