THE PLAY: Since the mother was shunned by her wealthy noble family, her son sets out to earn his rightful place, which includes some untimely deaths.
THE PRODUCTION: Fortunately, the pivotal role features the affable charms of Alexander Sapp, who’s enjoyable every moment he’s on stage (which is almost every moment). Even though he has flashes of funny, he’s a bit of a straight man to Scott Wichmann’s delightful parade of personalities (9 family members). A lesser actor might have succumbed to overacting, but Wichmann’s wacky physicality is always hilariously inventive (and those quick changes can be astounding). The other actors are perfectly cast, including every supporting role. While creating a winning production, director/choreographer Kikau Alvaro stages this show in a more traditional style, while letting some of his typical flair shine through. Chris Raintree’s multi-part set serves the production well, while Sue Griffin’s costumes may be some of her most beautiful yet (and that’s saying something). Even though the songs aren’t special, they sound great, thanks to the band under the direction of Sandy Dacus and the sterling sound design by Derek Dumais and Joey Luck. Running time: 2:20
THE POINT: While the entire production shines with clever comedy, Alexander Sapp and Scott Wichmann provide a partnership that’s always funny and sometimes hilarious.

At Virginia Rep thru 10/20