THE PLAY: An amateur theatrical troupe stages a murder mystery, but like the title says, everything that could go wrong does…and then some.
THE PRODUCTION: This group of haplessly helpless actors is actually played by a delightful cast of talented performers. They know how to milk every moment for maximum comic impact. This endlessly-clever production features a gag a minute, including numerous awkward situations and disastrous physical mishaps. Even before the show starts, the crew is on stage trying to prepare the set. During intermission, several actors sprint thru the lobby in frantic search for a dog. The set starts as a classic English drawing room, but is rigged with so many tricks that mirthful mayhem is the only outcome. The audience stays in hysterics and even enjoys the occasional interaction with those on stage. Running time: 2:15
THE POINT: Don’t miss the riotous fun of this endlessly witty production performed by a delightfully skilled cast.

A Broadway in Richmond production at the Altria Theater thru 10/27