THE PLAY: This extended conversation is set in some sort of alternate universe in 2008, when Hillary Clinton is conducting her primary race for President.
THE PRODUCTION: This peculiar show presents the personal discourse behind the political conversation that might have occurred between key figures. With something this cerebral, it’s vital that the actors carry the wealth of the sometimes clever dialogue. Jeff Clevenger and Billy Christopher Maupin are downright brilliant in their development of magnetic personalities and their mastery of the sharp repartee. As Hillary, Patricia Alli can usually handle it, but doesn’t rise to the level of commanding presence that the pivotal character should embody. Waleed Sami’s newcomer status is obvious. Director Deejay Gray has managed the show’s challenges with assured, simple direction, while his set makes beautiful use of the small space with an all-white hotel room to suggest otherworldliness. The abrupt switches in lighting don’t work. Running time: 1:10
THE POINT: An interesting think piece.

A HATTheatre production (closed)