I Care a Lot

Rosamund Pike  plays a professional court-appointed guardian for elderly people. Once she has them under her financial control in a care facility, she cashes in all their assets. The scheme is netting her plenty, until she targets the wrong woman (Dianne Wiest). Then the surprises begin! Once things get going, it’s not clear who’s bad and who’s good, but that’s part of the film’s charming wickedness. Pike is wonderfully slick and evil, Wiest is deliciously sly and Peter Dinklage revels in his over-the-top character. Writer/director J Blakeson has crafted a script that keeps topping itself with skillful surprises and his direction makes every scene slick fun. This snappy black comedy is tightly constructed, cleverly composed and enjoyably acted.


[rating stars=”4.5″]


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