THE PLAY: Songs and scenes from 50 years of married life (specifically, 1895 – 1945) presented by a husband and wife.
THE PRODUCTION: Since the duo playing the couple is married in real life (Larry Cook and Lauren Leinhaas-Cook), I hope this review won’t cause marital strife. Like the character he plays, Larry dominates the show. His assured comic timing lands every laugh and he has an easy vocal style. Lauren focuses more on the sincerity of her character and lacks the lighthearted effortlessness that’s needed. Her voice is lovely in the high range, but sometimes forced in the lower registers. Like everything else about this production Jan Guarino’s choreography is simple and traditional. Director Bruce Miller has kept the show moving, but left his actors to grapple with a cluttered set (dominated by the requisite four-poster and designed by his wife Terrie Powers). Except for the final scene, there seemed to be little concern for chronicling the passing age of the characters. Sarah Grady’s period costumes were lovely (except for that nightshirt) and BJ Wilkinson’s lighting added colorful notes. NOTE: According to Miller, 40+ local couples who are involved in the theatre were invited to opening night.
THE POINT: This musical feels corny from a more innocent time. The cast embraces it with mixed results.

A Virginia Rep production at Hanover Tavern thru 4/3