An 11-year-old girl is uprooted from her happy life in the Midwest to a new home in San Francisco, an experience that causes a flood of new feelings. The Pixar gimmick is that her emotions are run by 5 characters in her mental “Headquarters:” Joy (Amy Poehler), Fear (Bill Hader), Anger (Lewis Black), Disgust (Mindy Kaling) and Sadness (Phyllis Smith). This group and their rapid-fire reactions drive the movie and the comedy. When things get bleak, the trip turns peculiar and the story loses steam. The visuals are colorful, but not as dazzling as we’ve come to expect from Pixar. This creative slant on growing up and the complexity of feelings is an ambitious subject. While it’s energetic, fun and sweet, it’s emotional impact failed to connect with me. NOTE: Stay thru the early credits to enjoy the cleverest moments in the film.