This series is set in the land of oil rigs and revolves around Billy Bob Thornton, who plays the manager of the operation. A major accident launches the plot, while there are other timelines that deal with various aspects of the business, including drug cartel interference. Meanwhile, he’s dealing with his wife and daughter (Ali Larter and Michelle Randolph). Thornton is wonderful in the role. He’s a constant source of outspoken energy and befuddled comedy. Both of the women bring bright sexy fun to their characters. Especially funny is dad’s interaction with his daughter’s sexuality. The cast also includes the big boss (Jon Hamm) and his wife (Demi Moore in a small part). This series shows off the skills of showrunner/writer Taylor Sheridan at his best: Controversial conversations, cruel violence, political wrangling and unique people. Like his previous hit, “Yellowstone,” this boasts interesting characters fleshed out by wonderful performances, sharp dialogue and sometimes surprising plotting. They all combine to create a continually-compelling and wonderfully-entertaining look at the oil biz. (4.5 / 5)