Landscape with Invisible Hand

Landscape with Invisible Hand

Landscape with Invisible Hand

Most alien invasions involve violent destructive attacks on our planet. In this version (set in 2036), the creepy visitors have introduced their advanced technology (which we barely see) and taken the people who can afford it to private floating islands (also barely shown). The rest of the population, like our protagonists, are left on the depleted Earth, not trying to overthrow or outsmart the aliens just trying to cope with their impoverished existence. The teens at the center of the story try to create a way to make money, but things go awry and the family must make uncomfortable adjustments. The coolest thing about this film is the creation of the alien, a squishy cube that walks and talks with its flappers. The human cast is fine, but be warned: although this may be advertised as a comedy, it’s never remotely funny. Instead, it’s an unusual drama with a unique approach about coping with what the otherworldly invaders have left them. 2 out of 5 stars (2 / 5)

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