THE PLAY: Twenty years ago, Matthew Shepard was brutally murdered in a small Wyoming town. This play is based on interviews with residents.
THE PRODUCTION: You might feel compelled to attend this play to pay homage to Sheppard’s legacy, but you’ll also share an evening of dramatic excellence. The ensemble is stellar. Every actor plays numerous roles, giving each character unique qualities, while bringing vibrant life and emotion to every line. What could have been a static presentation of sound bites is turned into a spellbinding drama (leavened with bits of humor) thanks to dynamic, yet sensitive staging by director Lucian Restivo. He also designed a simple, but effective set with rustic planks, props and a stylized fence. Even though a few cues were missed on opening nite, Michael Jarett’s lighting beautifully heightens the drama. The costumes are simple contemporary clothes, but Shelia Russ has made each garment appropriate. Running time: 2:40
THE POINT: This production is not only effective and powerful, it’s also an extraordinary theatrical experience.

At Richmond Triangle Players thru 10/15