THE PLAY: A son is sent to dispatch his father’s ashes and recalls highlights (and lowlights) from the family’s previous road trips.
THE PRODUCTION: When you have a play that’s conceptually clever but disjointed and not very funny, it helps to have a cast that’s full of energy and enthusiasm. The four family members manage to make the most of it, while the two actors who play several additional characters are way over-the-top and ludicrously bewigged. (Note, Amish men don’t have moustaches with their beards). Director Amy Berlin has kept the play and the performers moving briskly. The set features travel posters and map-covered boxes that sometimes do double duty as set/prop pieces. The opening night audience enjoyed the play a lot more than I did, but their affection for their community may have surpassed the script’s inherent weakness.
THE POINT: An enthuiastic cast works hard to overcome this weak script.

Plays at CAT Theatre thru 6/7