
Is the most effective way to depict tedium to make a tedious movie? That appears the approach from first time writer/director  Ben Sharrock. It depicts the dreary monotony of living in a bleak environment with almost nothing to do but wait for an answer to the asylum request. One of the immigrants living on this fictional remote Scottish island is a Syrian musician (Amir El-Masry). This film follows his dull life, waiting a lot, taking lessons in Western customs and talking with his parents in Turkey. He also carries his oud (a stringed instrument) everywhere, never having the courage to actually play it. Tedious frustration is the overarching theme behind this story and the review in 2 words. Almost every scene could be half as long and the endless shots of unattractive landscapes just take up time. There’s a message about the immigrant experience, but it’s diluted by the “tedious frustration” of watching the film. 2.5 out of 5 stars (2.5 / 5)

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