THE PLAY: A reporter is sent to write a story about legendary coach Vince Lombardi during his tenure with the Green Bay Packers.
THE PRODUCTION: Is this show for someone who doesn’t appreciate football? As one of those people, I’d say, “Not especially.” And some of that is the script. The flat first act feels like a Wikipedia entry. Fortunately, Act Two focuses on conflicts, which makes the drama more cohesive. Ken Moretti captures the coach’s aggressive personality, but sometimes seemed tentative. CJ Bergin’s reporter/narrator echoes the audience’s POV with pleasant appeal. As the wife, Linda S. Beringer brings a slightly saucy personality to her character (and provides the show’s strongest performance). The 3 players manage to capture team energy in Act Two. I’m not sure how co-directors Scott Wichmann and Todd Labelle split their duties, but the combination couldn’t overcome the script’s weakness or bring cohesion to the first act’s short, disjointed scenes. Frank Foster has created a bland, utilitarian set featuring cubbies cluttered with memorabilia. The lights and costumes are adequate. Running time: 1:45
THE POINT: Fans of the Packers will enjoy this tribute to their most famed coach, but as a theatrical experience, this production failed to score.

At Firehouse Theatre thru 11/23