THE PLAY: This classic Broadway musical follows the escapades of eccentric Auntie Mame and the nephew, whose world she expands.
THE PRODUCTION: As Mame, Richmond’s own Emily Skinner brings her Broadway skills back home. She was more elegant than eccentric, but her charisma commands the stage with assured timing, a big smile and even bigger voice. The cast is crammed with powerful singers, backed by a large, lively ensemble. Brandon McKinney (as young Patrick) is a charmer and Audra Honakers’ “Gooch’s Song” supplies the show’s comic highlight. Director/choreographer Patti D’Beck has filled the show with dazzling production numbers, while taking the time to make the emotional moments count. The band under John Winn’s direction provides solid support. Ron Keller’s lovely art deco sets are beautifully accented by Lynne M. Hartman’s creative lighting. Sue Griffin’s dazzling, gorgeous costumes may be her best work ever.
THE POINT: Emily Skinner’s a gem and the rest of the cast shines brilliantly in this beautifully-staged musical classic.

At Virginia Rep thru 1/11