Monkey Man

Dev Patel stars as struggling fighter in India, who’s haunted by witnessing the cruel death of his mother when he was a boy. He determines to seek revenge on the men responsible. After the expected setbacks and subsequent prep, he unleashes his violent vengeance. There’s a reference to John Wick and it’s obvious that Patel, who also directed, is a big fan. The finale pits him in a destructive demolition against absurd odds. In an attempt to add visual tension and be edgy, he’s shot most of the film with a frantic camera and chaos editing. As a result, there’s lots of frustration to follow the action, most of which isn’t especially original. Apparently, he was happy with this impressionistic signature. Patel the actor effectively conveys his character’s intensity and the director did add accents of the country’s culture. It’s an ambitious first directorial effort, but his desire to create a kinetic, gritty action flick is more flash than necessary. 2 out of 5 stars (2 / 5)

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