When Apple TV+ premiered last November, this was its showcase series (8 one-hour episodes). It begins after a beloved host of a national morning program (Steve Carell) has been fired for sexual misconduct. His co-host of 15-years (Jennifer Aniston) has to pick up the pieces of her hit show, while dealing with the repercussions of the scandal. Meanwhile, a spunky reporter with an impulsive streak (Reese Witherspoon) is hired to replace him and throw everything into disarray. On top of this, numerous personal and relationship issues develop. This is the most penetrating performance that Anniston has ever given. She’s joined by an excellent cast that’s directed with skill and assurance (Billy Crudup’s exec is especially fun). Even though this series could have become a soapbox on harassment issues, the smart writing examines the issue with depth and evenhandedness, while creating individual stories that go beyond one issue to create a completely involving look behind the scenes of a national network. (A 2nd season has been announced, although production was halted due to COVID-19) Apple TV+ link
(4.5 / 5)