THE PLAY: On the eve of Motown’s 25th anniversary celebration, founder Barry Gordy reflects back on his struggles to create the iconic studio, overcome prejudice and keep the artists happy. Most of the story is told thru more than 40 hits, sung by greats like Diana Ross, Smokey Robinson and Marvin Gaye.
THE PRODUCTION: With a jukebox musical like this, it’s all about the songs. The classics that are performed here (juiced up and abbreviated) are already proven audience pleasers. To bring ‘em home, they’re sung with incredible voices and presented with enormous energy. Chester Gregory (who played Barry Gordy for the first time last nite) is one of the most impressive singers. Other standouts included Leon Outlaw Jr leading the Jackson Five, Allison Semmes channeling Ms. Ross and the truly moving “What’s Goin On.” The movable beams that frame the action create an interesting, ever-moving structure and the lighting and projections fill the stage with flash and color.
THE POINT: The scanty plot outlines the history of Motown, but what’s important is the music and every performance is slick: full of spirit, talent and energy.

Broadway in Richmond at the Altria Theater thru 1/10